Office Cleaning

Office Cleaning in Miami

Equinox Cleaners specializes in office cleaning and commercial cleaning. We believe that a work environment that presents adequate conditions of cleanliness is essential to ensure the correct development of the working day. A clean office, protected from harmful environmental agents and free from bad odors, dust, and clutter, preserves the health of the staff and provides a comfortable framework to perform tasks efficiently.

Equinox Cleaners understands the importance of sanitizing all adjoining rooms such as the bathroom and the kitchen which requires a routinely hygienic maintenance to eliminate diseases. The risk is especially high due to the high level of traffic that these work spaces usually present.

Our cleaning method is adapted to the schedules and needs of our customers, therefore, we have a team of specialists with extensive experience to make sure your offices are cleaned to the highest standards. We offer environmentally friendly products as well.


An effective office cleaning service is one that gives health a place of maximum importance! Get your free quote today!

-Equinox Cleaners Team